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Feedback and Reviews by Former Students


I’ll never forget your great personality

Samantha Aranda



You made us learn that without dedication and motivation we couldn't achieve the full potential.

Diego Amaya


She would always make us laugh. She would always push us to accomplish what we needed to do. She would never say things that offended us. She was there when we needed someone. (…) She made us enjoy the time we all spent together.

Ana Avila

Retrospec Films

Cinema/Television/Digital Media at Oral Roberts University


La quiero mucho y me da mucho orgullo haber tenido una maestra que predica con ejemplo... Persigue sus sueños y va más allá... Felicidades por un año mas y por lo que es como mujer y como profesional.  

Evy Camarena

Professional Stylist


I truly look up to you and believe that dreams are possible. You are a one-of-a-kind woman and person. You gave us a mother feeling not just a coach.

Jasmine Cardenas

El Paso Community College


I always loved going to Conquerettes class because I was always trying to figure out what would you be teaching that day. It was such a great… awesome experience having such a creative teacher for 2 years of my high school years...I will never forget all the creativeness...positive things and moments we got to share with you as a teacher, mom, student, friend...Thank You Ms. Sáenz for being a great person and Dance Teacher...

Vanessa Carlos

Sales at A'GACI


She is someone to truly admire!

Elizabeth Chavez, BBA
Human Resources/Business Admin


Gracias por enseñarme tantas cosas, desde “proper body alignment” a zapateados...La voy a extrañar mucho♥

Siempre va a ser la mejor maestra de Baile en el Mundo!

LA QUIERO MUCHO! y espero que triunfe en NEW YORK!

Karen Chavez

Biomedical Research

Muchas gracias por todos los años que dedico a nosotras sus niñas, tanto tiempo que nos dedicó cuando no era necesario. Nunca se me olvidará todo lo que hizo por nosotras. Ha sido y siempre será mi mayor inspiración. Ahora que voy a empezar mi nueva carrera de bailarina espero llegar muy lejos igual que usted. Gracias por su dedicación y consejos. Por su cariño y paciencia.

Le quería dar la buena noticia de que fui aceptada a Texas State en San Marcos. Voy a seguir mi escuela y estudio en danza :) Estoy muy emocionada y más que nada agradecida con usted como siempre por guiarme al camino correcto. Usted me dijo que no me precipitara a nada y que siguiera mis sueños y eso es lo que estoy haciendo!

Claudia Domínguez, MSW


Ella es mi ejemplo a seguir!

Ella quien me enseñó tantas cosas. Una de ellas a nunca darme por vencida, tratar hasta lograrlo.

Denise Garcia

Student at El Paso Community College


Tomar una clase con Ms. Sáenz fue un gran aprendizaje más allá de la danza. Ella me enseñó a tener confianza en mí misma y a nunca rendirme.  Ella va más allá de lo que maestros comunes hacen con alumnos, también se convierte en consejera y amiga, y por supuesto tuve la oportunidad de aprender acerca de diferentes danzas y aprendí que mi cuerpo puede hacer cosas extraordinarias por medio del baile. Su conocimiento y pasión por la danza fue lo que me motivó a ser mejor bailarina cada día, por mí y por ella.

Cristal Holguin

Former Caregiver/Teacher at Kids Inc.


You'll always be a great example to look up to. All your ex-Conquerettes love you and miss you.

Crystal Hodson


Sabe, usted fue una persona que me inspiró a luchar por mi sueño y alguien que siempre me apoyo. Y por eso y muchas cosas más estaré por siempre agradecida con usted!

Andrea Miguel, MBA


Financial Planning Coordinator


I look up to her so Much. She truly is an inspiration to me to keep on dancing and become a better dancer, and to push my self. I wish I could have had a couple more years of been her student, because she has studied so much, and I hope to follow her path in the future. I miss You Ms. Saenz

Victoria Melendez


You are one of my role models and I pray that I can one accomplish something this rewarding like you. Love you and very honored to say I was once taught by you! Thank you so much for everything. You inspire me like you wouldn't believe it it makes me very happy to know that it's possible for me to reach where you are at right now, that's my goal.

Gabriela Moreno

Professional Dancer/TruFit Coach/Fit GEM Fitness Coach


Ms. Sáenz, we can see you're doing great over at NYU. We congratulate you on your accomplishments. You're an excellent role model for ALL your former students!!!!

Julie Moreno-Parent


Gracias por ser una gran maestra y amiga!

Jaqueline Moreno


Well Miss Sáenz you have been nothing but a dance inspiration for myself, it was an honor having you as a dance instructor for 6 years. You taught me that dance was more than art (…).  You taught me that dance can be a career not only a hobby! From pushing me to dance folklorico to modern dance to even ballroom you have been an inspiration. Class was always fun even though we had our ups and downs.  I consider you my dance mom because you guided me to be the best :)

Alfredo Palma

AMMO at US Air Force


Debería de haber más personas como usted en el mundo, llena de sueños y esa lucha por conseguirlos, sabe que tiene mi profunda admiración y cariño.

Linda Terán 



She is the reason why I am getting a degree in dance education. She has always been my inspiration. Ms. Sáenz you are seriously the best teacher I have ever had!

Anel Terrazas

Education Service Center-Region 19


Thanks for being an excellent teacher for us!

Karla Yeniffer

Student at El Paso Community College


You were an amazing instructor. You would make us work hard even when the students looked sluggish. And even when I wasn't having fun I was learning something new !

Carlos Smarzja De Lara

Student at Doane College

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